Moon Invoice allows users to mark invoices, Estimate, or Purchase Orders by status like; Sent, Paid, due, Draft. It also has a color code. The user cannot change its color code. Although it is automatically selected by the system.
Make sure that few options are enabled from the settings.
- Go to settings >> click on ‘App Settings’ >> Enable ‘Mark as sent on Print’ and ‘ Mark as sent on email’
- Go to settings >> PDF & Print settings >> click on Header >> enable or disable the Status watermark option accordingly.
Go to Invoice >> click on three dots at the right corner >> users can mark it as Sent, or Video or Paid.
Proforma Invoice:
Go to Proforma Invoice >> Click on the three dots at the right corner >> click on mark as >> users can select Draft, Invoiced, sent, canceled.
Estimate & Purchase Order:
Go to Proforma Invoice >> Click on the three dots at the right corner >> click on mark as >>users can select draft, sent, approved, Invoiced, on hold, disputed, declined, or canceled.
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